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  • बीपीको अप्रकाशित अन्तर्वाता (भारतीय अध्येता हरिदेव शर्माले बीपीसँग लिएको अन्तर्वाता (कान्तिपुर (कोसेली), साउन ३, २०७१))

    (भारतीय अध्येता हरिदेव शर्माले बीपीसँग लिएको अन्तर्वाताको अंग्रेजी मूल कपी नयाँ दिल्लिस्थित नेहरु मारक संग्रहालयमा सुरक्षित छ । प्रदीप गिरिको सौजन्यबाट प्राप्त यो अन्तर्वार्ताको नेपाली अनुवाद गोपालप्रसाद दुलालले गरेका हुन् । )

    हामी खेती हुने जमिनको स्वामित्वमा हदबन्दी तोक्न चाहन्थ्यौ र जोताहालाई जमिनको मालिक बनाउन चाहन्थ्यौँ । निश्चय पनि हामीसँग वितरण गर्नका लागि यथेष्ठ जमिन थिएन read more....

  • वीपी कोइरालासंग पत्रकार भोला चटर्जीले लिएको अन्तरवार्ता (पौष २२, २०७०)

    मान्छे मरेर जान्छन् तर केही व्यक्तिहरू मरे पनि उनीहरूका विचारहरूले देश, समाज तथा जनतालाई सदियौंसम्म विशेष शन्देश छोडेर जाने गर्छ। बीसौँ शताब्दिका ती महानतम नेपालीले आफ्नो अन्त्यकाल आएको थाहा read more....

  • "गान्धी त मानिस नै भिन्दै थिए", विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला (अन्तरवार्ता), विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला–राजनीतिक अभिलेख (काठमाडौँ: विद्यार्थी पुस्तक भण्डार, २०६६)

    उनी त मानिस नै भिन्दै भए । आजसम्मका महानतम् मानिसहरुमध्ये एक । यसको मतलब गान्धीजीले भनेका सबै कुराको म समर्थन गर्छु भनेको होइन । तर उनी मेरो जीवनकालमा सर्वोत्तम व्यक्ति थिए । read more....

  • "मानिसका लागि भोलि सधैं रहिरहन्छ", विश्वेश्वरप्रसाद कोइराला (अन्तरवार्ता), (गोरखापत्र, भाद्र २२, २०६५)

    प्रखर राजनीतिज्ञ एवम् चिन्तक स्वर्गीय बीपी कोइरालाको राजनीतिक एवम् साहित्यिक व्यक्तित्वबारे नेपालीहरू अनभिज्ञ छैनन् । तथापि उहाको साहित्यिक, सांस्कृतिक सोच, चिन्तन, अध्ययन तथा रुचिका पक्ष यति विशद र रोचक छ, त्यसबारे सम्भवतः धेरैलाई जानकारी नहोला । read more....

  • 'नेहरू साह्रै कच्चा नेता थिए' - बी. पी. कोइराला (Interview) (नयाँ पत्रिका, October 29, 2007)

    (कांग्रेसका दिवंगत नेता बिपी कोइरालाले नेहरू मेमोरियल म्युजियम तथा लाइब्रेरीका डा. हरिदेव शर्मालाई २०३३ सालमा दिनुभएको ऐतिहासिक अन्तर्वार्ता क्रमशः प्रस्तुत गर्ने क्रममा आज हामीले अर्को भाग प्रस्तुत गरेका छौं। read more....

  • "Remember me as a Good Man" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Amrit Bazar Patrika, Calcutta, August 8, 1982)

    Devastatingly handsome. Tall and lean, he has an easy grace in his movements, and even more graceful is his courtesy, for he proffers his hand and says, read more....

  • "Last Interview with Bhola Chatterjee" - B. P. Koirala (The Telegraph, July 23, 1982)

    [The greatest Nepali of the twentieth century spoke his heart and mind out to his friend Bhola Chatterjee (BC) a little before the death he knew was coming.] read more....

  • "The Problem is Instability" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Sunday, December 20, 1981)

    In a series of interviews with Bhola Chatterjee (BC) from 14 through 17 September and 29 November, B.P. Koirala answered some questions that are of more than passing interest. read more....

  • "The Constitution is not Democratic" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Sunday, April 26, 1981)

    Why have supporters of the multiparty system decided to boycott the 9 May poll in protest? Bhola Chatterji(BC) finds out, and asks B. P. Koirala why he had accepted the 1079 referendum verdict if he opposes elections now. read more....

  • "Where does Nepal go from Here" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Amrit Bazar Patrika, April 19, 1981)

    The democrat's decision to opt out of the political process, notwithstanding the recent constitutional reforms, is fraught with danger. read more....

  • "King in the Parliament" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Monthly "Vasudha", July-Aug, 1978)

    The compulsion to have to constantly reaffirm one's principle is destined to achieve what he has struggled all throughout his life. read more....

  • "I Am Aligned To The National Interest" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Fortnightly National Star, July 1979)

    Mr. B. P. Koirala's struggle for a party-system in Nepal has had mach publicity as mush, perhaps, abroad, if not more, as at home. read more....

  • "We Cannot Afford To Give In To Populism" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Bhola Chatterji, July 29, 1979)

    Few leader can say this and yet retain his credentials as a democratic person, but BISWESWAR PRASAD KOIRALA to his friends, B.P. gets away with this and more because, read more....

  • "To Call Nepal Hindu State Is a Fraud" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Weekly Mirror, July 20, 1979)

    B.P. Koirala's recent statements have created quite a stir among the local intelligentsia, and have also given rise to certain controversies over his views on a number of national issues. read more....

  • "Indian Leaders should beware of me" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Weekly "Sunday" Calcutta, June 24, 1979)

    B. P. Koirala, the once and possibly future Prime Minister of Nepal lives simply in typical Nepali house in Chabhill, Kathmandu. read more....

  • "The King Had No Alternative" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (Ram Pradhan, June 15, 1979)

    In political stature, popular acceptance and international standing Bisweswar Prasad Kiorala, 64, has no peer in Nepal. read more....

  • "I have great ambitions for my Country" - B. P. Koirala (Bhola Chatterji talks to Koirala about Nepal's political options, weekly "Sunday" Culcutta, March 18, 1979)

    B.P. Koirala, Napal's former Premier and rebel leader, is an unsparing critic of the present Nepali panchayat system of government, which, he says, is only a pretence of democracy. read more....

  • "Difficult Road to Democracy" - B. P. Koirala (Interview) (India Today, March 16-31, 1979)

    Nepal's feeble cry for democratization was virtually silenced recently in the wake of execution of two Nepali Congress activists, Captain Yagya Bahadur Thapa and Bhim Narain Shrestha. read more....

  • "We Are Abandoned" (Former Prime Minister B. P. Koirala speaks with Theodore Jacqueney just before returning to Nepal from medical trip to the USA, January-February 1978)

    Jacqueney: Mr. Prime Minister, you are known to be a champion of freedom and the democratic process and have repeatedly called for democracy in Nepal. read more....

  • "Koirala: The King? yes, if...," (Bhola Chatterji interviewed B. P. Koirala, weekly "Sunday" Culcutta, December 4, 1977)

    Even as Indian Prime Minister, Mr. Morarji Desai, prepares to go to Nepal on December 9, political currents in that country have quickened. read more....