There are very few historical books and articles on Khas ethnicity. However, there are many references which either touch on Khas ethnicity or issues related with them, or other ethnic groups of Nepal. In recent years, some authors have worked on the Khasas. This is not an exhaustive list.
A. Höfer, The Caste Hierarchy and the State in Nepal: A study of the Muluki Ain of 1854 (Innsbrusk: Universistätsverlag Wager, 1979).
Arjun Guneratne (Ed.), The Terai: History, Society, Environment (Kathmandu: ANHS, 2011).
A. Shrinivasan & A. Ranjan, Frontier Identity in the Terai: The Tharu in the Eastern Anthropologist, 56 (2-4: 201-223) (2003).
A.W. Macdonald, Essays on the Ethnology of Nepal and South East Asia (Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, 1975).
Briam H. Hodson, Essays on the languages, literature and religion of Nepal and Tibet’(London: 1828, 1874).
बालकृष्ण पोखरेल, खस जातिको इतिहासः बर्क/कस्सेली पृष्ठभूमिको विशेष परिपे्रक्ष्यमा (विराटनगरः उदात्त अनुसन्धान अड्डी, २०५५).
C. von Fürer Haimendorf, Contribution to the Anthropology of Nepal (Warminster: Aris and Phillips Ltd., 1974).
C. von Fürer Haimendorf, Asian Highland Scocieies in Anthropological perspective (Delhi:Sterling Publishers, 1981).
D.B. Bista, Peoples of Nepal (Kathmandu: Department of Publicity, 1967).
D. Snellgrove, “Shrines and temples of Nepal’, Arts Asiatiques, Tome VIII, 1961 fase, 1, pp. 3-10, et fase, 2, pp.93-120.
D.W. Edwards, Patrimonial and Bureaucratic Adminstration in Nepal: Historical Change and Weberian Theory (Chicago: University of Chicago, 1977).
डिल्लीराज शर्मा, पश्चिम नेपालको मूर्ति तथा वास्तुकला (काठमाण्डौंः नेपाल राजकीय प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठान २०५८)
E.D. Smith, Britain’s Brigade of Gurkhas (UK: Random House, 1983).
E.T. Atkinson, The Himalayan Districts of the North Western Provinces of India, Vol. III, (Allahabad: North Western Provinces and Oudh Government Press, 1886).
F.H. Gaige, Regionalism and National Unity in Nepal (Delhi: Vikas Public House, 1975).
F. H. Gaige, Regionalism and National Unity in Nepal (Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1975).
Gerald Duane Berreman, Hindus of the Himalayas: Ethnography and Change (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1963).
G. Tucci, Preliminary report on two scientific expeditions in Nepal, Is M.E.O. 1954.
J. Moller, Insiders and Outsiders: Community and Identity in Kumaon, North India in M. Lecomte-tilouine and P. Dollfus (Ed.), Ethnic Revival and Religious Turmoil: Identities and Representations in the Himalayas (New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003).
J. Whelpton, Janga Bahadur Mission in Europe: The first Nepali mission to the west (Kathmandu: Sahayogi Press, 1981).
J.T. Hitchcock and R. Jones, Spirit Possession in the Nepal Himalayas (Warminster: Aris and Phillips, 1976).
J.F. Fisher (Ed.), Himalayan Anthropology: The Indo-Tibetan Interface (Paris: Mouton & Co. La Haye, 1978).
K. S. Gulia, Mountains of the God: Spiritual Ecology of Himalayan Region (Delhi: ISHA Books, 2007).
Lama Taranath, History of Buddhism (1608) trans. by W. T. Heeley, published in Indian Antiquary, Vol. IV (year not specified).
Laxmi D. Joshi, Tribal People of the Himalayas: A Study of the Khasas (Mittal Publications, 1984).
Laxmi Dat Joshi, Khasas Family Law in the Himalayan Districts of the United Provinces (The Superintendent, Government Press, United Provinces, 1929).
L. Petech, Medieval History of Nepal (750-1480) (Rome: Is. MEO, 1958).
Laurence Oliphant, A Journey to Kahtmandu: An Unforgettable Experience with Jang Bahadur (Kathmandu: TransReprint, 2010) (originally published by John Murray, London, 1852).
L.F. Stiller, The Rise of the House of Gorkha (New Delhi: Manjushri Publishing House, 1973).
L.F. Stiller, The Silent Cry (Kathmandu: Sahayogi Prakashan, 1976).
L.F. Stiller, The Kot Massacre (Kathmandu: Centre for Nepal and Asian Studies, Tribhuvan University, 1981).
L.E. Rose and M. Fisher, The politics of Nepal, persistence and change in an Asian Monarchy (Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press, 1970).
L.E. Rose and J.T. Scholz, Nepal: Profile of a Himalayan Kingdom (Boulder-Colorado: Westview Press, 1980).
L. Bennett, Dangerous wives and sacred sisters: Social and symbolic roles of high caste women in Nepal, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1982).
M.C. Regmi, Land-ownership in Nepal (University of California Press 1976).
M.C. Regmi, A study in Nepali Economic History (1768-1846) (New Delhi: Manjushiri Publishing House, 1971).
M.S. Slusser, Nepal mandala: A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley, vol. 2, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982).