Problem-Driven Governance and Political Economy Analysis – Good Practice Framework (The World Bank)

Governance and political economy analysis has a crucial part to play in enhancing the effectiveness of development. Across the World Bank, there is a widely shared perception that we need to gain a better understanding of the environments in which Bank operations are taking place and seek to promote progressive change (IEG 2006, 2008). This coincides with an increasing recognition that governance and political economy (GPE) factors play a powerful role not only in a country’s overall development path, but also for shaping policies in various sectors and the way they are being implemented. Moreover, an analytic approach to governance and political economy is essential to making progress in addressing governance to unlock development, as committed to in the 2007 GAC Strategy and subsequent Implementation Plan. The objective of this good practice framework is to systematize approaches to governance and political economy analysis and to provide readily available orientation for World Bank task team leaders (TTLs) and teams.

The World Bank
World Bank

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