In recent years the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its Embassies have made considerable progress in analysing the governance climate in partner countries. The Strategic Governance And Corruption Analysis (SGACA) is designed as a tool to build on and enhance those efforts, by facilitating a more strategic approach to analysing the context for governance and anti-corruption for each partner country. The Clingendael Institute has developed the SGACA to assist Embassies in implementing this approach, tailored to country circumstances. It is a practical guide to help structure and analyse existing information – a ‘quick-scan’ – that focuses on formal and informal aspects of governance in a particular context. Different tools and processes, such as the Track Record and the current Multi Annual Strategic Plan generate important information for this purpose. The SGACA is complementary to these instruments and seeks to deepen the countryspecific understanding of governance and corruption.
Strategic Governance and Corruption Assessment (SGACA) framework: Designing Strategic Responses Towards Good Governance: Netherland Institute of International Relations (2007)–_Netherlands.pdf