All major Nepali and English broadsheet dailies published from Kathmandu on Tuesday have highlighted that the Parliamentary Hearing Special Committee delayed its decision on whether to endorse Acting Chief Justice Deepak Raj Joshee for the position of Chief Justice. The unexpected delay has raised different concerns and they have been clearly reflected on the front pages of major newspapers. Some newspapers have also begun to discuss what will happen next if the Committee, with majority votes or unanimously, decides to reject his name.
Whereas all newspapers have reported the postponement of Parliamentary Hearing Special Committee’s ‘decisive’ meeting, Kantipur, Naya Patrika and Nepal Samcharpatra have also explored what will happen next if the Committee takes a ‘bold’ decision to reject Joshee.
Kantipur explains the rejection may invite some constitutional and legal complications as the constitution does not have sufficient provisions to implement in such situations. Quoting constitutional expert Bipin Adhikari, the report says Joshee or some other person might challenge the decision’s legality at court as there is no specific Act on parliamentary hearing, but just regulations.
Meanwhile, Naya Patrika and Nepal Samacharpatra report that Joshee has not gone to the Supreme Court after his nomination has remained undecided at the parliamentary committee. They have also informed that Justice Om Prakash Mishra is most likely to be recommended for the position in that case.
However, Joshee said he would not resign immediately, according to The Kathmandu Post. Rajdhani and The Himalayan Times add that Joshee has said the Committee’s delay is an attack on independent judiciary.