BP Koirala Archives and Records

“Nationalism and Democracy: In the history of every nation there comes such moment when its people have to risk their lives to safeguard the national identity. We think, such a moment has come in Nepal today”

After a pretty long period of exile, we are returning to our country. On this occasion, I would like to say a few words to the countrymen. Today, our country is in a national crisis. All have realized that this crisis is getting heightened since the last few years. As[…]

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Socialist International Madrid (A short report Nepal presented by Mr. B. P. Koirala at the Congress of the Socialist International) – B. P. Koirala (Madrid, 1980)

The last 18 months have been a hectic time for Nepal. It was during this period that the rigid authoritarian grip of the system under the King with absolute powers has started loosening; and the opposition democratic forces driven underground during the last 20 years of authoritarian rule, started appearing[…]

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संविधानको तेस्रो संशोधन सम्बन्धमा प्रेस वक्तव्य — विश्वेश्वर प्रसाद कोइराला (माघ २१, २०३७)

श्री ५ महाराजाधिराजद्धारा हालैमा घोषित संविधानको तेस्रो संशोधन निराशाजनक छ । यसमा निश्रय नै त्यस्ता तत्वहरु पनि समावेश भएका छन् जो संसदीय प्रजातन्त्रका विशेष लक्षण हुन् । तर यी सकारात्मक तत्वहरुलाई संविधानमा अन्य प्रतिकूल धाराबाट निस्कृय गर्ने प्रयत्न भएको छ । देशलाई अहिले यस्तो राजनीतिक यन्त्र चाहिएको छ जसले आर्थिक–सामाजिक[…]

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